Math 7752. Algebra-II.

Algebra-II. Math 7752. Spring 2021.

TuTh 11-12:15 pm (US Eastern), online via zoom .

Main Text:

Abstract Algebra, David Dummit and Richard Foote, 3rd edition.


Math 7751 and an undergraduate course in linear algebra comparable in level to UVA 4651.

Course content

In the first part of the semester (about 4 weeks) we will continue studying modules (picking up where we left off in Algebra-I) and some of their applications. I will assume familiarity with the content of Sections 11.1-11.4 as this material is discussed in standard undergraduate linear algebra and Sections 10.1-10.4 which were mostly covered at the end of Algebra-I in Fall 20. Next we will study fields and Galois theory (also 5-6 weeks). The material we will cover is mostly discussed in Chapters 13-14 of Dummit and Foote, though the order of my exposition will be quite different. I plan to finish with a brief introduction to either commutative algebra (parts of Chapter 15 of Dummit and Foote) or representation theory (parts of Chapters 18 and/or 19 of Dummit and Foote).

Exams and homework:

There will be weekly homework and three exams (two midterms and the final). The format of the exams will be determined later; the current plan is that both midterms will be take-home while the final will be "in-class" (proctored over zoom).


The time and date for the final exam are determined by the registrar and cannot be changed. The dates of the midterm exams are tentative at this point and may be slightly changed. In case of a take-home exam date means the due date.



Collaboration policy

Class meetings

I will normally start the zoom session for the class meetings around 10:50am (10 minutes before the start of the class). Whenever possible, please join the meeting by 10:58am. You are also strongly encouraged to keep your video on during the class meetings. This would make it much easier for me to see whether you are following the presentation and help keep the class meetings more interactive.


Major announcements will be made in class and also posted on the course webpage. Some other announcements may only be made by e-mail, so check your e-mail account regularly.

Add/drop/withdrawal dates:


All students with special needs requiring accommodations should present the appropriate paperwork from the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC). It is the student's responsibility to present this paperwork in a timely fashion and follow up with the instructor about the accommodations being offered. Accommodations for test-taking (e.g., extended time) should be arranged at least 5 business days before an exam.