Math 7752. Algebra-II.

Algebra-II. Math 7752. Spring 2019.

TuTh 12:30-1:45 pm, Kerchof 128.

Main Text:

Abstract Algebra, David Dummit and Richard Foote, 3rd edition.


Math 7751 and an undergraduate course in linear algebra comparable in level to UVA 4651.

Course content:

The first part of the semester (5-6 weeks) will be devoted to modules and multilinear algebra. The material we will cover is mostly contained in Chapters 10-12 of Dummit and Foote. I will assume familiarity with the content of Sections 11.1-11.4 as they contain material covered in standard undergraduate linear algebra courses. Next we will study fields and Galois theory (also 5-6 weeks). The material we will cover is mostly discussed in Chapters 13-14 of Dummit and Foote, though the order of my exposition will be quite different and closer to Lang's book ``Algebra''. If time allows, we will finish with a brief introduction to either commutative algebra (parts of Chapter 15 of Dummit and Foote) or representation theory (parts of Chapters 18 and/or 19 of Dummit and Foote).

Exams and homework:

There will be weekly homework and three exams (two midterms and the final). The format of the exams will be determined later; the current plan is that one of the midterms will be take-home while the other midterm and the final will be in-class. Tentative dates of the exams are as follows:




Collaboration policy.


Major announcements will be made in class and also posted on the course webpage. Some other announcements may only be made by e-mail, so check your e-mail account regularly.

Add/drop/withdrawal dates:


All students with special needs requiring accommodations should present the appropriate paperwork from the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC). It is the student's responsibility to present this paperwork in a timely fashion and follow up with the instructor about the accommodations being offered. Accommodations for test-taking (e.g., extended time) should be arranged at least 5 business days before an exam.