Syllabus for Math 5657 (Bilinear Forms and Group Representations), Fall 2021

TuTh 2-3:15 pm, Cabell 187.



The minimal prerequisites for this class are Math 3351 Elementary Linear Algebra and Math 3354 Survey of Algebra. An ideal background involves advanced versions of these classes, Math 4651 Advanced Linear Algebra and Math 4652 Introduction to Abstract Algebra. If you have not taken 4651 and/or 4652, you can still take 5657, but you should be prepared to learn some background material on your own. Also you should expect that the pace in 5657 will be much faster than what you experienced at 3000 level.


The course grade will be based on homework, two midterms and the final, with weights distributed as follows:


The format of the exams (in class, take-home or combined) has not been finalized at this point and will be announced later. The midterm dates given below are tentative and may be changed later. The date and time of the final exam is determined by the registrar and cannot be changed (in the case of a take-home final it will be due on that date).

Make-up policy


Collaboration policy.


Major announcements will be made in class and also posted on the course webpage. Some other announcements may only be made by e-mail, so check your e-mail account regularly.

Add/drop/withdrawal dates:


All students with special needs requiring accommodations should present the appropriate paperwork from the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC). It is the student's responsibility to present this paperwork in a timely fashion and follow up with the instructor about the accommodations being offered. Accommodations for test-taking (e.g., extended time) should be arranged at least 5 business days before an exam.