Syllabus for Number Theory (Math 5653), Fall 2016

TuTh 2-3:15 pm, Chemistry 305.

Text: Elementary Number Theory, Gareth Jones and Josephine Jones, corrected edition.


If you are not comfortable with proofs, you will likely find this course very challenging. Prerequisites 3 and 4 should normally be satisfied if you took MATH 3354.

Course content

Below is a tentative list of topics I plan to cover and approximate amount of time we will spend on each topic.


Weekly homework will be assigned, but you will not be formally evaluated on it. Nevertheless, you are encouraged to write up your solutions and turn them in (for feedback). I may not have time to grade all the problems, but I will try to grade as many as possible.


The course grade will be based on four tests and the final, with weights distributed as follows: The final will be given in class on Sat, Dec 10th, 9am-12pm. One of the four tests (either the second or the third one) will be given in class; the rest will be take-home. The tentative test dates (due dates in the case of take-homes) are Sep 22, Oct 13, Oct 27 and Nov 17 (all Thursdays).

Problem session

I plan to run a problem session (most likely on Fridays), starting in week 3. If we are able to find a time slot that works for everyone, extra credit will be given for (active) participation in the problem session. If not, you are still strongly encouraged to attend the problem session if it fits your schedule.

Make-up policy

Collaboration policy (on tests).


Major announcements will be made in class and also posted on the course webpage. Some other announcements may only be made by e-mail, so check your e-mail account regularly.

Add/drop/withdrawal dates:


All students with special needs requiring accommodations should present the appropriate paperwork from the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC). It is the student's responsibility to present this paperwork in a timely fashion and follow up with the instructor about the accommodations being offered. Accommodations for test-taking (e.g., extended time) should be arranged at least 5 business days before an exam.